The Tugboat Roundup is a three-day festival that begins with a tug parade up the Hudson River. On September 9th, at approximately 3:30 PM, the parade will leave Albany. Spectators can watch the parade pass by from any accessible river front spot Menands, Watervliet, Green Island, Troy, Cohoes.
Once the parade reaches Waterford, tugboats, workboats and other vessels dock where they, their crews, tug enthusiasts, and visitors gather to celebrate the maritime heritage of the Northeast Inland Waterways.
The festival features tugboat tours, boat rides, tug talks, competitions, fireworks, children's activities, vendors, food, and more. The Tugboat Roundup is free to attend.
Saturday, September 10th
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Tours of docked tugs. Open times vary by tug.
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Boat rides
10:00 AM Tug Talk with Will Van Dorp, of Tugster, at the Hurst Harbor Center (upstairs)
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Farmers Market, Whispering Willow Wild Care, Bounce House at Lock 2
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Paddle the Flight
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Kid’s Line Toss (East of Peebles Island Bridge)
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Waterford Fire Department Obstacle Course at Lock 2
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Face Painting at Lock 2
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Live music with Judy Blu
11:30 AM Tug Talk with Art Cohn, of the Institute for Underwater Archeology, at the Hurst Harbor Center (upstairs)
1:00 PM Tug Talk with Captain Steven R. Wunder at the Hurst Harbor Center (upstairs)
1:00 PM Troy Samba at Lock 2
2:30 PM Mariner’s Roundtable at the Hurst Harbor Center (upstairs)
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Mariners Line Toss Competition, Round One (Visitor Center, outside)
4:30 PM Tug Talk with Bill Sullivan of Donjon Marine
5:30 PM Live Music with River Junction
8:45 PM Fireworks!